
Bryant High School Youth Activist Coalition
The Alma Bryant High School Youth Activist Coalition was founded in 2006. We are a student lead organization dedicated to helping our school and community. All students, grades 9-12, are welcome to join YAC. Members must maintain appropriate behavior and maintain passing grades in all classes. Upon becoming a member, YAC-ateers are asked to sign a pledge and are expected to follow the guidelines of this pledge. Members are asked to pay a $20 annual fee, and YAC spirit shirts will be sold for $10. Members should not be discouraged by fees for they can be paid in installments and if they cant be paid, we firmly believe in sweat equity. All fees go to fund projects in and around the community. YAC supports associations such as Coastal Clean-up, Relay for life, and ARF.
YAC logo

Tina Miracle (Sponsor)
Bradford Morgan (President)